

Beautiful Living

Amai is Elite

Amia is wihtout a doubt THE most exclusive buy in Cairo. If you can get one of these before they go, consider yourself one of the lucky ones!

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Safer Areas

Divided into 3 smaller parts:

Signatures Solos Monos

One-story Homes

The Signatures

These single story villas have been designed for modern people in a modern world. With a glass window facade, you have views unmatched...

The Grand Layout: Amaia - Swan Lake

Or go with the Solos...

The Solos

These are designed to immerse you in nature and give you the peace of mind you desrve. With luxurious lanscaping, you can beone one with nature, at your home.

Still looking? Go with Monos

The Monos

These are single apartments spread across an entire floor giving you all the luxury of Swan Lake at a better price.

Now, decide which way to go...

Ask us how you can start living today!

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